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1Ti 5:17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.


The month of October is both Pastor Appreciation Month as well as Pastor Ken’s birthday (October 3rd). We will have our annual Pastor Appreciation presentation to reflect our love, benevolence & appreciation back on Pastor Ken and his wife Sherry.

Ken Merrihew is our very faithful pastor, serving as the senior pastor of CCOKC for 31 years!


He “labors in the Word” throughout the week, teaching, counseling, and guiding; making himself available to the needs of the Body.


It’s not always pretty… it’s not easy… it’s harder on their bodies… they’re not made of anything different than the rest of us, and yet they remain faithful to Jesus.

Each year, during October, we have a special Sunday in which we honor our pastor with prayer, support, and a monetary gift.


Not everyone can give monetarily (over their regular giving), but we can all love our pastor by honoring him with prayer (the one gift they most desire).


Please join us in celebrating our pastor, and if you are able to participate in a monetary gift, please designate “Pastor Appreciation” on the offering envelope or check by October 24.


God bless you all

Christian and Chuck


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We are located at 7510 NW 39th Expressway, Bethany, OK 73008 Give us a call (405) 491-0124

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